#!/bin/bash ################################################################################# # Installation script for swizzin # Many credits to QuickBox for the package repo # # Package installers copyright QuickBox.io (2017) where applicable. # All other work copyright Swizzin (2017) # Licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0 GPL-3 (in short) # # You may copy, distribute and modify the software as long as you track # changes/dates in source files. Any modifications to our software # including (via compiler) GPL-licensed code must also be made available # under the GPL along with build & install instructions. # ################################################################################# echo "Starting Swizzin installation" if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Swizzin setup requires user to be root. su or sudo -s and run again ..." exit 1 fi export log=/root/logs/swizzin.log mkdir -p /root/logs touch $log # Setting up /etc/swizzin #shellcheck disable=SC2120 function _source_setup() { echo -e "...\tInstalling git" # The one true dependency apt-get update -q >> $log 2>&1 # Force update just in case sources were never pulled apt-get install git -y -qq >> $log # DO NOT PUT MORE DEPENDENCIES HERE echo -e "\tGit Installed" # All dependencies go to scripts/update/10-dependencies.sh if [[ "$*" =~ '--local' ]]; then RelativeScriptPath=$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") if [[ ! -e /etc/swizzin ]]; then # If there is no valid file or dir there... ln -sr "$RelativeScriptPath" /etc/swizzin echo "The directory where the setup script is located is symlinked to /etc/swizzin" else touch /etc/swizzin/.dev.lock echo "/etc/swizzin/.dev.lock created" fi echo "Best of luck and please follow the contribution guidelines cheerio" else echo -e "...\tCloning swizzin repo to localhost" git clone https://github.com/swizzin/swizzin.git /etc/swizzin >> ${log} 2>&1 echo -e "\tSwizzin cloned!" fi ln -s /etc/swizzin/scripts/ /usr/local/bin/swizzin #shellcheck source=sources/globals.sh . /etc/swizzin/sources/globals.sh # Set correct permissions on swizzin files bash /etc/swizzin/scripts/update/04-setpermissions.sh echo } _source_setup "$@" function _arch_check() { if [[ ! $(uname -m) =~ ("x86_64"|"aarch64") ]]; then echo_warn "$(_os_arch) detected!" echo_warn "This is an unsupported architecture and THINGS MIGHT BREAK.\nDO NOT CREATE ISSUES ON GITHUB." ask "Agree with the above and continue?" N || exit 1 echo else echo_log_only "Arch detected as $(_os_arch)" fi } _arch_check function _option_parse() { while test $# -gt 0; do case "$1" in --user) shift user="$1" echo_info "User = $user" ;; --pass | --password) shift pass="$1" echo -e "\tPass = $pass" #Not an echo_info as we don't want this to hit the logs ;; --skip-cracklib) if check_installed libpam-cracklib; then echo_warn "Can't skip password check as libpam-cracklib is installed" else export SKIPCRACKLIB=true echo_info "Cracklib will be skipped" fi ;; --domain) shift export LE_HOSTNAME="$1" export LE_DEFAULTCONF=yes export LE_BOOL_CF=no echo_info "Domain = $LE_HOSTNAME, Used in default nginx config = $LE_DEFAULTCONF" ;; --local) LOCAL=true echo_info "Local = $LOCAL" ;; --test) export test=true echo_info "test = $test" ;; --rmgrsec) rmgrsec=yes echo_info "OVH Kernel nuke = $rmgrsec" ;; --env) shift if [[ ! -f $1 ]]; then echo_error "File does not exist" exit 1 fi envfile="$1" echo_info "Parsing env variables from $envfile:\n$(grep -v '^#' "$envfile")" # anything which begins with a cap is exported if grep -v '^#' "$envfile" | grep '^[A-Z]' -q; then export $(grep -v '^#' "$envfile" | grep '^[A-Z]' | tr '\n' ' ') fi # anything with a lowercase will get sourced if grep -v '^#' "$envfile" | grep '^[a-z]' -q; then source <(grep -v '^#' "$envfile" | grep '^[a-z]') # | read -d $'\x04' name - fi # If packages were in env, make the installArray if [[ -n $packages ]]; then readarray -td: installArray < <(printf '%s' "$packages") fi unattend=true export SKIPCRACKLIB=true ;; --unattend) unattend=true ;; --post-command) shift postcommand="$1" echo_info "Post-install command = \"$postcommand\"" ;; -*) echo_error "Error: Invalid option: $1" exit 1 ;; *) installArray+=("$1") ;; esac shift done if [[ -z $pass && "${pass+x}" ]]; then # Generate a password if it is specifically empty pass="$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c16)" echo_info "Generating random password" echo -e "\tPass = $pass" fi if [[ $unattend = "true" ]]; then # hushes errors that happen when no package is being touch /root/results touch /root/results2 fi if [[ ${#installArray[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then echo_info "Application install picker will be skipped" priority=(nginx rtorrent deluge qbittorrent) for i in "${installArray[@]}"; do #shellcheck disable=SC2199,SC2076 if [[ " ${priority[@]} " =~ " ${i} " ]]; then echo "$i" >> /root/results echo_log_only "$i added to install queue 1" touch /tmp/."$i".lock else echo "$i" >> /root/results2 echo_log_only "$i added to install queue 2" fi done fi } _option_parse "$@" _os() { if [ ! -d /install ]; then mkdir /install; fi if [ ! -d /root/logs ]; then mkdir /root/logs; fi if ! which lsb_release > /dev/null; then echo -e "...\tInstalling lsb-release" # Okay MAYBE there's one more depend until we gut this app in favour of /etc/os-release apt-get install lsb-release -y -qq >> $log # DO NOT PUT MORE DEPENDENCIES HERE fi distribution=$(lsb_release -is) codename=$(lsb_release -cs) if [[ ! $distribution =~ ^(Debian|Ubuntu)$ ]]; then echo_error "Your distribution ($distribution) is not supported. Swizzin requires Ubuntu or Debian." exit 1 fi if [[ ! $codename =~ ^(focal|bullseye|jammy|bookworm|noble)$ ]]; then echo_error "Your release ($codename) of $distribution is not supported." exit 1 fi } function _preparation() { echo_info "Preparing system" apt-get install uuid-runtime -yy >> $log 2>&1 apt_update # Do this because sometimes the system install is so fresh it's got a good stam but it is "empty" apt_upgrade if ! bash /etc/swizzin/scripts/update/10-dependencies.sh; then echo_error "Dependencies failed to install\nPlease reveiw the log file and try again.\nFeel free to visit our Discord in case you need assistance." exit 1 fi nofile=$(grep "DefaultLimitNOFILE=500000" /etc/systemd/system.conf) if [[ ! "$nofile" ]]; then echo "DefaultLimitNOFILE=500000" >> /etc/systemd/system.conf; fi echo_progress_done "Setup succesful" echo } #FYI code duplication from `box rmgrsec` function _nukeovh() { bash /etc/swizzin/scripts/nukeovh } function _intro() { whiptail --title "Swizzin seedbox installer" --msgbox "Yo, what's up? Let's install this swiz." 7 43 } function _adduser() { echo_info "Creating master user" export SETUP_USER=true # This sets whiptail in box adduser bash /etc/swizzin/scripts/box adduser "$user" "$pass" || { # TODO make it so that the password does not hit the logs echo_error "Installation aborted!" exit 1 } unset SETUP_USER pass= unset pass echo_log_only "User initialised" } function _choices() { packages=() extras=() guis=() locks=(nginx rtorrent deluge qbittorrent autodl panel vsftpd ffmpeg quota transmission) for i in "${locks[@]}"; do app=${i} if [[ ! -f /install/.$app.lock ]]; then packages+=("$i" '""') fi done whiptail --title "Install Software" --checklist --noitem --separate-output "Choose your clients and core features." 15 26 7 "${packages[@]}" 2> /root/results || exit 1 results=/root/results if grep -q rtorrent "$results"; then gui=(rutorrent flood) for i in "${gui[@]}"; do app=${i} if [[ ! -f /install/.$app.lock ]]; then guis+=("$i" '""') fi done whiptail --title "rTorrent GUI" --checklist --noitem --separate-output "Optional: Select a GUI for rtorrent" 15 26 7 "${guis[@]}" 2> /root/guis || exit 1 readarray -t guis < /root/guis for gui in "${guis[@]}"; do sed -i "/rtorrent/a $gui" /root/results done rm -f /root/guis fi while IFS= read -r result; do touch /tmp/.$result.lock done < "$results" locksextra=($(find /usr/local/bin/swizzin/install -type f -printf "%f\n" | cut -d "." -f 1 | sort -d)) for i in "${locksextra[@]}"; do app=${i} if [[ ! -f /tmp/.$app.lock ]]; then extras+=("$i" '""') fi done whiptail --title "Install Software" --checklist --noitem --separate-output "Make some more choices ^.^ Or don't. idgaf" 15 26 7 "${extras[@]}" 2> /root/results2 || exit 1 } function _check_results() { results=/root/results if grep -q nginx "$results"; then if [[ -n $(pidof apache2) ]]; then if (whiptail --title "apache2 conflict" --yesno --yes-button "Purge it!" --no-button "Disable it" "WARNING: The installer has detected that apache2 is already installed. To continue, the installer must either purge apache2 or disable it." 8 78); then export apache2=purge else export apache2=disable fi fi fi if grep -q rtorrent "$results"; then . /etc/swizzin/sources/functions/rtorrent whiptail_rtorrent fi if grep -q deluge "$results"; then . /etc/swizzin/sources/functions/deluge whiptail_deluge fi if grep -q qbittorrent "$results"; then . /etc/swizzin/sources/functions/qbittorrent whiptail_qbittorrent fi if grep -q transmission "$results"; then #shellcheck source=sources/functions/transmission . /etc/swizzin/sources/functions/transmission whiptail_transmission_source fi if [[ $(grep -s rutorrent "$gui") ]] && [[ ! $(grep -s nginx "$results") ]]; then # Check nginx requirement for more than rutorrent if (whiptail --title "nginx conflict" --yesno --yes-button "Install nginx" --no-button "Remove ruTorrent" "WARNING: The installer has detected that ruTorrent is to be installed without nginx. To continue, the installer must either install nginx or remove ruTorrent from the packages to be installed." 8 78); then sed -i '1s/^/nginx\n/' /root/results touch /tmp/.nginx.lock else sed -i '/rutorrent/d' /root/results fi fi } function _prioritize_results() { if grep -q nginx "$results"; then sed -i '/nginx/d' /root/results echo "" >> /root/results sed -i '1s/^/nginx\n/' /root/results fi } function _install() { begin=$(date +"%s") if [[ -s /root/results ]]; then bash /etc/swizzin/scripts/box install $(< /root/results) && rm /root/results showTimer=true fi if [[ -s /root/results2 ]]; then bash /etc/swizzin/scripts/box install $(< /root/results2) && rm /root/results2 showTimer=true fi termin=$(date +"%s") difftimelps=$((termin - begin)) [[ $showTimer = true ]] && echo_info "Package installation took $((difftimelps / 60)) minutes and $((difftimelps % 60)) seconds" } function _post() { echo echo user=$(_get_master_username) ip=$(ip route get 1 | sed -n 's/^.*src \([0-9.]*\) .*$/\1/p') if ! grep -q -ow '^export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/swizzin$' ~/.bashrc; then echo "export PATH=\$PATH:/usr/local/bin/swizzin" >> /root/.bashrc fi #echo "export PATH=\$PATH:/usr/local/bin/swizzin" >> /home/$user/.bashrc #chown ${user}: /home/$user/.profile echo "Defaults secure_path = /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/bin/swizzin" > /etc/sudoers.d/secure_path if [[ $distribution = "Ubuntu" ]]; then echo 'Defaults env_keep -="HOME"' > /etc/sudoers.d/env_keep fi ring_the_bell echo_success "Swizzin installation complete!" if [[ -f /install/.nginx.lock ]]; then echo_info "Seedbox can be accessed at https://${ip}" if [[ ! -f /install/.panel.lock ]]; then echo_info "Expect a 403 forbidden error on the root domain, since you did not install the panel." fi fi if [[ -f /install/.deluge.lock ]]; then delugewebport=$(grep port /home/"${user}"/.config/deluge/web.conf | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d"," -f1) delugedaemonport=$(grep daemon_port /home/"${user}"/.config/deluge/core.conf | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d"," -f1) echo_info "Your deluge daemon port is $delugedaemonport\nYour deluge web port is $delugewebport" fi if [[ -f /var/run/reboot-required ]]; then echo_warn "The server requires a reboot to finalise this installation. Please reboot now." else echo_info "You can now use the box command to manage swizzin features, e.g. \`box install nginx panel\`" fi echo_docs getting-started/box-basics # # Run the bash_completion installer from the update folder bash /etc/swizzin/scripts/update/bash_completion.sh } _run_tests() { if [[ $test = "true" ]] || [ -f /etc/swizzin/.test.lock ]; then bash /etc/swizzin/scripts/box test || return 1 fi } _run_post() { if [[ -z $postcommand ]]; then echo_progress_start "Executing post-install commands" $postcommand echo_progress_done "Post-install commands finished" fi } _os _preparation ## If install is attended, do the nice intro if [[ $unattend != "true" ]]; then if [[ -z "$user" ]] && [[ -z "$pass" ]]; then # If password AND username are empty _intro fi fi ## If the user asked for rmgrsec or the install is not being attended, get into the kernel business if [[ -n $rmgrsec ]] || [[ $unattend != "true" ]]; then _nukeovh; fi _adduser #If setup is attended and there are no choices, go get some apps if [[ $unattend != "true" ]] && [[ ${#installArray[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then _choices; fi _check_results _prioritize_results _install _post _run_post _run_tests || exit 1